Nov 17, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time
The business portion of this year’s annual meeting will be held on ZOOM on Wednesday, November 17, beginning at 1:00pm EST. This is the day following the CIE-USNC, CIE-CNC, CORM two-day technical session*. There is a separate ZOOM link for Wednesday’s meeting**. Registration is not required for Wednesday’s meeting and there is no fee for either the technical meeting or the business meeting.
On Wednesday, the USNC business meeting will immediately follow joint US/Canada Division Reports covering the activities in the six CIE Divisions over the past year. Normally, there would be a member vote prior to this meeting to elect two at-large members to the Executive Committee to serve for the next three years. Since there are just two nominations to fill the two positions, a vote would be redundant. But anyone who would like to comment on the selections should send a confidential email to The two candidates submitted by the Nominating Committee are Jeff Hulett of Vektrex and Yoshi Ohno of NIST.
* The schedule of presentations and the registration form are available on the CORM website: Registrants will receive an email with a link to the technical session. There is no fee for the meeting.
** Topic: CIE-CNC/USNC
Time: Nov 17, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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