Joint CORM, CIE-USNC, CNC/CIE meeting

First invitation and call for papers.
Joint CORM 2019 12th Biennial CNC_CIE and USA-CIE Conference Meetings_Draft Call for Papers_final2

Abstract submission deadline extended to August 23. Early-bird registration deadline September 4. Registration deadline October 2. NO ONSITE REGISTRATION!

From: Veitch, Jennifer []
Sent: Friday, August 2, 2019 10:37 AM
Subject: EXTENDED DEADLINE CORM-CIE 2019 Conference – Call for papers on Health and well-being responses to light and their measurement


From Oct 28-31, Ottawa is the place to be for an intimate conference featuring all the latest science related to light and lighting. This is a joint event organized by the Canadian National Committee of the CIE and the Council for Optical Radiation Measurements, and is a joint meeting of the Canadian and US national committees of the CIE. I hope you’ve heard about it, but just in case you have not I’m sending this to a large selection of my contacts list.
The  key information about the event is online at the event registration page:

Most importantly for today’s message: The abstract submission deadline for the CORM – CIE Canada/US conference has been extended to AUGUST 23.Decisions will be announced around Aug. 26 so that people can register before the early-bird deadline.  Although I am looking for papers on health and well-being, there are of course other sessions in the event, and each session has its own Chair, who is responsible for its content. Below is the full list of topics and session chairs. Depending on where you think the work best fits, send your abstract to the appropriate Session Chair.  Abstracts will be peer-reviewed. There is no proceedings publication, but presentations will be posted online if the authors agree.

Please especially note the student poster session, for which there will be a best-poster award.

Session I: Current Research Activities at NMIs:
Send abstracts to Dr. Angela Gamouras;
Session II: Environmental Radiometry
Send abstracts to Dr. Carol Johnson;
Session III: UV and IR Radiation – Measurements, Concerns & Applications
Send abstracts to Dr. David Sliney
Session IV: Optical Properties of Materials.
Send abstracts to Dr. Heather Patrick; heather.patrick@nist
Session V: LED Lighting for Specialized, Industrial or Commercial Applications
Send abstracts to Yuqin Zong;
Session VI: Health and Well-Being Responses to Light and their Measurement
Send abstracts to Dr. Jennifer Veitch;
Session VII: Interior and Exterior Lighting
Send abstracts to Dr. Venkat Venkataramanan;
Session VIII: Vision and Colour
Send abstracts to Dr. Jeffery Hovis; jefferyhovis@uwaterlooca
CIE/CORM Joint Poster Session for Students/Emerging Professionals:  
Send abstracts to Mark Jongewaard;
The important dates for this conference are:

·        Abstracts due :  August 23, 2019  ** new extended deadline
·        Presentation materials and presenter biography due: September 27, 2019 
·        Early bird registration rate available until:  September 4, 2019
·        Late registration (no exceptions, no on-site registration) available until: October 2, 2019

Please feel free to circulate this message to anyone you think might be interested.
Looking forward to seeing you in Ottawa in October!
Jennifer A. Veitch, Ph.D.
Vice-President, Canadian National Committee for the Commission International de l’Eclairage
Chair, MC-ISO-TC274
Mailing address: National Research Council of Canada | 1200 Montreal Road, M-24, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
t +1-613-993-9671 | f +1-613-954-3733 | |
CNC/CIE web site:  |  CNC/CIE e-mail:

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